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Stack of books with an iPad on top

Research Tools

BadgerLink  Wisconsin's Online Library

Country Reports  Cultural, Historical, Statistical, and Country Information

CultureGrams  Research countries all over the world.

infotopia  Academic search engine using only trusted websites.

Newsela  Daily news stories

Noodle Tools  Student research platform with MLA, APA and Chicago/Turabian bibliographies, notecards, outlining.

World Book  An encyclopedia with research tools, featured content, and videos on a multitude of topics.

Digital Reading Resources

Digital Library (SORA)  Provides eBooks, and eAudiobooks to read online or download. 

myOn Reader  Online digital library with access to books anytime, anywhere.

OverDrive Help Videos

How to Set up the OverDrive App on Your iPad

How to Manage Settings in OverDrive

Multimedia Resources

Britannica Image Quest:  Millions of copyright-free images available.

Pexels: Free stock photos

SoundzaboundRoyalty free music. Get specific instructions for accessing Soundzabout via the Documents 5 App available in Mosyle School. The iLab staff can provide the login and password that you need. 

Creative Commons is a great place to look for multimedia resources to use in projects.

PBS Wisconsin Education: The PBS Wisconsin Education team creates and curates great educational resources

Reading Resources

Accelerated Reading/STAR  Reading quizzes and assessment tools.

AR Book Finder  Find the ATOS level for your favorite books.

Book Seer  Helps you decide what to read next.

Fantastic Fiction  Biographies for over 40,000 authors.

Guys Read  A web-based literacy program for boys.

Marathon County Public Library  Learning. Community. Ideas. Information.

Newbery Medal  Featuring Newberry Medal and Honor Books, 1992-Present.

Read Kiddo Read  James Patterson's initiative to get our kids reading!

Read On Wisconsin  High quality books for children and teens.